Secrets to a Better Huddle Space – Part 1

February 9, 2016

Not all huddle spaces are created equal. Some flourish, delivering on their promise of improved collaboration, while others sit unused and neglected like yesterday’s tuna salad.

So what makes the difference between a good huddle space and a bad one? More importantly, how can you design huddle spaces your team will actually use?

We know that easy-to-use video technology like the Tely 200 plays a big part. Collaboration sessions often happen with remote team members, so video is important because it allows participants to see vital non-verbal cues. Non-verbal cues accounts for up to 93% of communication.

But there are other considerations too. Here is Part 1 in a list of dos and don’ts that can help turn your huddle spaces into a nirvana for small group collaboration sessions:

DO: Small, but Not too Small
One trick to a good huddle space is ensuring the right amount of space. Workers want to protect their personal space, which is roughly 1.5 to 2 feet in all directions. Add space for tables, chairs, door openings and the ideal space to accommodate four – six adults is roughly 80 – 120 square feet.

Much more room than that, and people space themselves out, creating both physical and psychological barriers to collaboration. Any less, and attendees begin to feel cramped and uncomfortable. We’ve all been in a crowded meeting where we’ve had half our mind on the meeting and the other half on how badly we want out.

DO: Make Digital Content Sharing Simple
It’s important to include technology in a huddle space that makes it easy for participants to share digital content. This is particularly important for remote participants, so they can see and contribute to presentations, planning documents and other important content.

Replace whiteboards and projectors withcloud-enabled solutionslike the Tely 200 that allow teams to share visual content with colleagues, whether they’re remote or in the room, at a click of the button.

DON’T: A Single Screen
Spaces with single screens require collaborators to make a tough choice between video conferencing and content sharing. The better alternative is to outfit rooms with dual, side-by-side screens that can tackle both tasks simultaneously.

Not only does this help remote team members stay informed, it allows participants to gauge non-verbal cues from remote colleagues, and vice versa, during content sharing and respond accordingly.

The Tely 200 was designed to support dual screens for exactly this reason. The second screen can be used to show presentations or other important content or be switched back to display the in-room camera view while not in use.


Have any other dos or don’ts to add to the list? Tell us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.