Huddle Up! The Rise of Small Group Video Collaboration
June 8, 2016
At Tely, we believe businesses need to champion small group video collaboration technology. That’s because small groups are where most of the workplace collaboration happens.
Legacy video conference rooms? They’re usually larger than most of us need. And laptops and tablets? They’re too small for more than one person. Huddle rooms are ideal for small group, video-linked collaboration. They make it easy for small groups to dream big.
If you agree with me, check out the new whitepaper Tely commissioned from Frost & Sullivan. It identifies best practices for building and supporting small group video collaboration technology.
It’s an important read, especially in light of how popular huddle rooms are becoming. As outlined in the infographic below, there are between 30 to 50 million huddle rooms in operation today. Given the majority are not equipped with the video endpoints needed to enable visual collaboration, having a scalable approach is key to success.
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